
M917 - L6474 Overcurrent Warning Test

L6474 Find L6474 minimum current thresholds MONITOR_L6470_DRIVER_STATUS


The M917 command runs a test procedure to find the minimum stepper current thresholds.

  • Decrease OCD current until overcurrent error
  • Increase OCD until overcurrent error goes away
  • Decrease stall threshold until stall (not done on L6474)
  • Increase stall until stall error goes away (not done on L6474)



All tests assume each axis uses matching driver chips.


M917 [E<mm>] [F<feedrate>] [I<current>] [J<0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7>] [K<Kvalue>] [T<current>] [X<mm>] [Y<mm>] [Z<mm>]



Monitor E with the given displacement (1 - 255mm) on either side of the current position.


    Feedrate for the moves. If unspecified, uses the max feedrate.


      Starting overcurrent threshold. Report current value from driver if not specified. If there are multiple drivers on the axis then all will be set the same.


        Select which driver(s) to monitor on multi-driver axis.

        • J0:

          (default) Monitor all drivers on the axis or E0.

        • J1:

          Monitor only X, Y, Z, E1.

        • J2:

          Monitor only X2, Y2, Z2, E2.

        • J3:

          Monitor only Z3, E3

        • J4:

          Monitor only Z4, E4

        • J5:

          Monitor only Z5, E5

        • J6:

          Monitor only Z6, E6

        • J7:

          Monitor only Z7, E7


        Value for KVAL_HOLD (0 - 255) (ignored for L6474). Report current value from driver if not specified


          Current (mA) setting for TVAL (0 - 4A in 31.25mA increments, rounds down) - L6474 only. Report current value from driver if not specified.


            Monitor X with the given displacement (1 - 255mm) on either side of the current position.


              Monitor Y with the given displacement (1 - 255mm) on either side of the current position.


                Monitor Z with the given displacement (1 - 255mm) on either side of the current position.